WELLIS :空氣消毒的專家


世衛公佈,空氣污染正式納入「 引致全球人口死亡之 第14大風險因素 」。面對如此大威協的我們,生活飲食上持守健康原則,無奈全球的污染問題卻避無可避、日趨嚴重。我們如何繼續堅守自己與下一代的健康?

由韓國製造,Wellis 空氣消毒機,具有獨特消毒技術,對大自然、人類、寵物均無害。秉持良心的 Wellis 技術團隊,結合西班牙的研究團隊一起研發 Wellis 獨特的消毒技術。

“ 現在, Wellis 除了廣泛應用於韓國多間學校、醫院及診所或家庭外,在香港本地已開始廣泛被應用,新冠肺炎嚴峻時期更一度供不應求。”

Wellis 的產品介紹影片 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juBdcBSF_Ws&t=181s 往下看更多產品介紹

  • Are you interested in 24/7 operation without worrying about electricity cost?
  • Wellis keeps purifying air using 3.6 Watts per hour, it is 300 KRW/month and 3600 KRW/year in about 50㎡ area of space.
  • *1USD = 1098 KRW (August, 2016)
  • No more expensive filters or UV lamp replacement!
  • Anyone can easily and conveniently replace the cartridge with one touch.
  • You can enjoy top performance if you replace the cartridge every 3 months.
  • *The operating life of consumable fluid cartridge caries depending on environment, including indoor temperature, humidity, etc.